Martha Margulis

“Landscape of the Mind”

I call my paintings “Landscapes of the Mind” because, while they are influenced by nature, they grow from my imagination.

“Landscape of the Mind”

My work, while abstract, suggests reality. It includes acrylic on canvas paintings, oil stick on paper drawings and monotypes. I call my paintings "Landscapes of the Mind" because, while they are influenced by nature, they grow from my imagination. The surfaces of the work are layered; complex textural areas of paint and collage are played against those that are thinner and more simplified. I want the work to be ambiguous and open to individual interpretation. Implicationas are important and my subconcious plays a strong roll. I am presenting emotionally charged landscapes from an inner world that is a metaphor for my own experience.

Line has always fascinated me and I am continually experimenting with line as it interacts with color and form. A new group of paintings deal with the issue of actuality; the suggested reality of the work is contradicted by the addition of disparate and unrelated elements (i.e. fabric, metal, rubber, wool, buttons, gobs of paint, etc...). These additions deny reality while reinforcing and strengthening the image.


Winner award abstract paintings

Martha Margulis (1928-2003) award winning abstract paintings have been exhibited and collected in the US and internationally.

Her work is included in the collections of Peter Lawson-Johnson, president Guggenheim Museum, the Herbert Johnson Museum at Cornell University, the Everson Museum at Syracuse University, and many corporate and private collections.